മലയാളത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ സഹായ പോര്‍ട്ടലിലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം
ഇന്ത്യന്‍ നാഷണല്‍ കോണ്ഗ്രസ്സ് ഗാന്ധിജിയുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തില്‍ നടത്തിയ അവസാനത്തെ ബഹുജനസമരം ? ക്വിറ്റ് ഇന്ത്യാ സമരം

livestock inspector previous question paper, psc coaching class livestock inspector


 1. The type of farming in which income, from a single source does not exceed
more than 50% is ?
answer: Diversified Farms.

2. Minimum number of high yielding animals required to run a dairy farm,
economically viable is ?
answer: 4 to 5.

3. Which one of these is not an advantage of tail to tail system?
answer: Feeding of crows is easy.

4. The percent of the breedable stock, for which calving pen is required is?
answer: 10%.

5. The critical temperature for Indian cattle is?
answer: 90° .

6. Which of these breed have convex head with folded leaf like ear?
answer: Gir.

7. The quantity of water required to produce one kg milk is?
answer: 2 to 3 kg.

8. The capacity of animals, to adjust to climatic changes is called ?
answer: Adaptation.

9. The breed of buffalo with bulging forehead and sickle shaped horns is?
answer: Surti.

10. The group of cross breeds produced by the breeding programme of Kerala, is
known as?
answer: Sunandhini.

11. The phenomenon by which the progeny will exhibit extra vigour than the parents
is called ?
answer: Heterosis.

12. Which one of this is not a secondary, sex organ?
answer: Testes.

13. Fructose of the seminal plasma, is secreted by?
answer: Seminal vesicles.

14. The average volume of ejaculate from a bull is about?
answer: 3 to 4ML .

15. The funnel shaped tube at the ovarian end of oviduct is called?
answer: Infundibulam.

16. Ovulation in cow occur?
answer: 12 to 15 hours after the end of oestrus.

17. The outer most covering of Ovum is called?
answer: Corona radiate.

18. The longest phase of the oestrus cycle is called?
answer: Dioestrum.

19. The common diluents used for dilution of semen is?
answer: Egg yolk citrate.

20. The temperature of liquid nitrogen used for storing frozen semen is?
answer: -196°C.

21. The zygot reaches the uterus by?
answer: 5 to 6 days.

22. The period from fertilisation to parturition, is called?
answer: Period of gestation.

23. The gestation period of buffalo is?
answer: 300 to 310 days.

24. The inability of cow to normally calve due to postural abnormalities, is called?
answer: Distocia.

25. The technique of producing large number of, off springs from a superior cow, is
answer: MOET.

26. Colostrum has to be fed to the calf?
answer: Within half hour after birth.

27. The rate of feeding milk to a calf is?
answer: 10% of body weight.

28. The new method of identification of cattle is?
answer: Cryo branding.

29. For converting a bull calf to bullock, castration has to be done at the age of?
answer: 2 to 3 years.

30. The heard replacement rate of farm should be?
answer: 20% yearly.

31. The compartment of a cow's stomach which is called as true stomach is?
answer: Abomasum.

32. Fat provides, dash times energy than carbohydrates?
answer: 2.25.

33. The basic component of protein is called as?
answer: Amino acid.

34. Vitamins which are synthesised in the rumen are?
answer: B complex Vitamin.

35. Feed constituent in which the crude fibre is less than 18%, is called?
answer: Silage.

36. The DCP and TDN in a compounded cattle feed is?
answer: 16 and 70.

37. The type of silo suitable in areas where soil is loose and water table is high is?
answer: Bunker silo.

38. Water content of the grass at the time of ensiling should be?

39. For hay making the grass should be harvested at the?
answer: Pre flowering stage.

40. High dash, acid content in paddy straw has been found to interfere with
calcium absorption ?
answer: Oxalic acid.

41. The thumb rule for feeding concentrate to cattle is?
answer:400g per litre of milk.

42. Milking should be completed within the prescribed period because the half life
of oxytocin is?
answer: 5 to 7 minutes.

43. Withholding of the milk is due to the hormone?
answer: Epinephrine.

44. It has been estimated that a dairy cow produced half of its lactation yield during
the first, dash days of its lactation period?
answer: 120.

45. According to PFA rule buffalo milk should contain not less than a?
answer: 5% Fat and 9% SNF.

46. pH of fresh milk is?
answer: 6.5

47. The whiteness of the milk is contributed by?

48. Milk sugar Lactose is formed by?
answer: One molecule of galactose and one molecule of glucose.

49. The average freezing point of milk is?
answer: 0.55°C.

50. The average specific gravity of milk is?
answer: 1.032.

51. Temperature and time for, HTST method of pasteurisation, degree centigrade
and seconds?
answer: 72 and 15.

52. The aseptic packing technique under which milk can be kept at room temperature
for many weeks?
answer:Tetra packing.

53. The fat content of Butter should be?
answer: 80%.

54. The acid that is added to coagulate milk to make Paneer is?
answer: Citric acid.

55. The fat content of standardized milk and toned milk is?
answer: 4.5 and 3%.

56. The normal temperature of cattle is?

57. Which one of the following is not a bacterial disease ?
answer: Foot and mouth disease.

58. The deficiency of which vitamins leads to nutritional cause of infertility ?
answer: A and D .

59. Test for mixing of cow and buffalo milk is?
answer: Hensa test.

60. Milk is, deficient in which of the following ?
answer: Iron.

61. Impulses in the heart are generated by the?
answer: SA node.

62. Auxanometer is used to demonstrate, dash, in plants?
answer: Growth.

63. The correct term used for single celled organisms?
answer: Acellular.

64. Haemoglobin is not the oxygen carrying pigment in?
answer: Insects.

65. The absorption of glycerol and fatty acids occurs in the?
answer: Lymph vessels within the villi.

66. Phyllotaxy refers to?
answer: The arrangement of leaves on the stem.

67. The nitrifying bacteria in nitrogen cycle?
answer: Convert ammonia into nitrates.

68. Absorption of water in the plant occurs through?
answer: Active absorption and Passive absorption.

69. In man, dash is the voice box?
answer: Larynx.

70. The pigment not found in Chloroplast is?
answer: Anthocyanin.

71. Oxygenated blood never goes to the heart in?
answer: Fishes.

72. The heart of frog is, dash chambered.?
answer: 3.

73. In the following muscles which is striated and involuntary?
answer: Cardiac muscles.

74. The vein, that carries oxygenated blood is the?
answer: Pulmonary vein.

75. The excretory organ of earthworm is?
answer: Nephridia

76. dash, is a micronutrient?
answer: Manganese.

77. The deficiency of, dash causes rickets.?
answer: Vitamin D.

78. Mitosis occurs in?
answer: Both germinal cells and somatic cells.

79. Plasma membrane is made up of?
answer: Phospholipids and proteins

80. Glycogen is a polymer of?
answer: Glucose

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